Today we woke up, ate breakfast, and prepared to visit a village. While we there we painted the church. Pastor Francis told us instructions on what needed to be done. Some of us helped paint the church, while others played with the children. Those who played with the children did face painting, got their hair… Read more »
Day 2 – Emmanuel School
Today, our group met up in the morning for breakfast and got onto the bus to drive to the Nursing Home at Monti Cristi. While there, we were able to put lotion on the hands and feet of the elderly. It was a humbling experience for those who participated, and hearing the stories from the… Read more »
Day 1 – LaBalsa
Thursday morning, we woke to a wonderful breakfast – omelets, pancakes, fresh fruit, and about 75 degrees. At 8:00 we loaded the bus and went to the Score Complex where we packed 70 bags of food for distribution at our first village, Olivaris. As our pictures will show we had a lot of fun playing… Read more »
Travel Day
Finally, after all fundraisers and planning meetings we have arrived. Praise the Lord! Our flights were on time and even though there was a Nor’easter going up the coast, God provided safe traveling mercies, We checked in at the Score Complex and had orientation with one of the Score interns. As planned we headed to… Read more »
Charly Hearon determined more than ever
“She’s really coming out this season to show them that she’s back, the injury’s not effecting her and they kind of missed out on a great athlete,” head coach Tawan Slaughter said. As a freshman at Christian Central Academy, Hearon was a star. To watch the video and read more please visit: