August Letter to the CCA Community
Honoring the Senior Athletes of 2020
Below is an image gallery of the athletes in the Senior class of 2020. Click on an image to see a larger version and read what people have to say about these students. Thank you Seniors for great seasons and great memories!
April 16th, 2020 Update
Dear CCA Community, Over the past four weeks of distance learning operations, I have been blessed to see the effort and sacrificial love the faculty and staff have poured out on you, our students and families. We all have been stretched and grown tremendously throughout this entire process. If you have a testimony to share,… Read more »
April 2nd, 2020 update
April 2, 2020 Dear CCA students and families, I hope and pray that you are continuing vibrant and healthy in every way. Here are a few updates as we engage in the third week of remote instruction: As noted on our one-page academic calendar last August, the official last day to complete work assigned to… Read more »
Good morning, CCA!
Good morning, CCA, As we begin a new day, let us “call [this] to mind and have hope: because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lam 3:21-23) Good morning, Father. Thank you that you are with us each… Read more »
CCA Parent Update – March 27, 2020
March 27, 2020 Dear CCA students, parents, guardians, teachers, and friends, Please know that I (and many others in this terrific community!) hope and pray for God’s provision and your deep peace and holistic well-being. While some are stressed by work demands, others are out of work. Please join me in bearing one another’s burdens… Read more »
Remote learning up and running @ CCA!
Please follow this link for a message from Dr. Chen about CCA’s distance learning efforts.
CCA Parent Update – March 17, 2020
March 17, 2020 Dear CCA Parents and Guardians, Thank you for helping to make the distribution of your student’s materials last night and this morning smooth and successful. Your teachers worked diligently to prepare materials in a timely manner to accommodate parent schedules. You can expect email/correspondence from your teachers no later than Wednesday, March… Read more »
UPDATED: Message to CCA community Re: COVID-19
CCA, like all other schools in Erie county, will be closed through April 19th. Also, our annual Gala has been rescheduled to Friday, June 5th. (3/13/20) Message to CCA Community Re COVID-19
Health Tips: Information on the Coronavirus
Information on the Coronavirus from the NYS Department of Health & NYS Education Department A new coronavirus called 2019 Novel (new) Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was first found in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. This virus had not been found in humans before. This coronavirus can lead to fever, cough and trouble breathing or shortness of breath. There are thousands… Read more »