Guidance Office

Christian Central Academy employs a K-12 School Counselor who serves as a vital resource for students, families, and faculty. The Guidance Office is always bustling with activity and offers a variety of services to support students’ academic, social, and emotional development. Below are the key services provided:

Student Counseling (K-12)

* Provide short-term individual counseling
* Facilitate small group mediation for students

College Advising (Grades 9-12)

* Organize college visits, college fairs, and the college fair field trip for students to explore higher education options.
* Work with students one-on-one through the college application process, guiding them in selecting schools and completing applications.
* Host a college night for high school juniors and their families
* Provide individual recommendation letters for seniors applying to colleges.

Scheduling/Planning (K-12)

* Schedule all students into classrooms and courses to ensure appropriate academic placement.
* Help students select courses and create an academic plan that aligns with their interests and goals.
* Assist students in making sure they meet all graduation requirements.

Record Keeping (K-12)

* Process transcripts and records.

* Generate student report cards.

CCA also employs a Testing Coordinator who is responsible for managing academic testing and assessments.

Testing/Academics (K-12)

  • Coordinate testing for:
    * NWEA ELA, Math, and Science exams
    * PSAT exams in 10th & 11th grade
    * SAT exams
    * AP Testing

  • Work with students on course recovery options should they need to make up a course or retake an exam.

Additional Resources

To help you in your decision-making process, we invite you to explore these additional resources:

Christian Central Academy