

The Elevate program is available to support and assist those families who have embarked on the journey of home-educating their children. Elevate your homeschool programs with courses at Christian Central Academy.

Options for 2024-2025

5 Days per Week – $300
* AP/College English
* AP/College Government
* AP Physics
* College Environmental Science
* Chemistry
* Earth Science
* AP Calculus AB
* College Pre-Calculus
* Algebra II
* Geometry
* Algebra I
* HS Christian Studies
* Global Perspectives
* Christian Studies

3 Days per Week – $250
* Sculpture/Ceramics
* Yearbook
* Advertising & Design
* Leadership/Life Calling

2 Days per Week – $150
* Studio Art
* MS/HS Chorus
* MS/HS Orchestra
* MS/HS Band
* Praise Ensemble
* Intro to Java
* Media Tech
* Physical Education

Additional Information

  • * All classes are for an entire school year.
  • * Students will receive one (1) High School credit per HS course.
  • * Max of 4 courses per student.
  • * Volleyball or Cross Country available with registration of at least 1 course ($100 Athletic Fee).
  • * All other sports available with registration of 4 courses & P.E. ($100 Athletic Fee).
  • * Application Fee (one-time only): $85 per EACH new student. Fees are non-refundable.

For questions or to request more information (like the class schedule), please contact the Admissions Office:
Mon-Fri, 8am – 3pm
Phone: 716-634-4821 Ext 150
Email: admissions@christianca.com

Christian Central Academy