
Clubs and Activities

Christian Central Academy provides students with an evolving selection of clubs and activities, both during and after school, designed to develop talent and skills alongside other students who share similar interests. Our clubs offer a wide range of opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and fun.

Clubs offered at CCA range from:
* Weight Lifting Club
* Crusader Theological Society
* Spanish Club
* Creative Writing Club
* Charisma Club
* Pickleball Club

And so much more!

Interested in leading a club?

We are always looking for passionate parents, grandparents, and alumni who are interested in leading a club at CCA.
If you’re interested in sharing your talents and passions with our students, click below to let us know!

Explore More About Our Grade Levels:

To learn more about the academic experience at each grade level, click on the links below:

Christian Central Academy