39 Academy Street
Williamsville, NY 14221
K-5th Grade Chapel
You will hear exuberant singing and excitement coming from our K-5 students when they gather together in the Nurline A. Lawrence Auditorium once a week for a combined time of worship and digging into the Word of God. Our K-12 music teacher leads the students in a few songs before the message is presented.
Our speakers are local pastors, youth pastors, and children’s pastors who love to share the love of Jesus Christ with our younger students. Many of our speakers use a hands-on approach by incorporating visual aides to allow for student participation, ensuring that students can make a connection with what is happening in their own lives.
Middle School & High School Chapel
One unique activity of Christian Central Academy’s upper level is our commitment to daily challenge our students spiritually. The Bible is the powerful, God-given source of what we need to teach and demonstrate to our students who want to be Christ-followers.
Each week, the entire middle and high school gather together in the Nurline A. Lawrence Auditorium for Chapel to: * Hear a short scriptural message or testimony from local pastors, missionaries, teachers, parents, or even students * Have a time of worship led by our own CCA Praise Ensemble, which consists of 7th-12th grade students with various musical gifts.
Parents are more than welcome to attend weekly chapel services; we encourage all families to participate in chapel attendance!
Interested in Leading a Chapel service?
If you or someone you know would like to lead a chapel service or share a message with our students, we’d love to hear from you!