
Mission Statement

The Mission of Christian Central Academy’s Athletic Department is to promote a positive learning experience and to develop student-athletes that display character, high academics, integrity, sportsmanship, loyalty, and leadership through an active relationship with Jesus Christ.

Core Values:

Vision Statement:

To set a Christ-like example of Excellence in Character and Athletics through the Unity of the Spirit.


Our Athletic Programs serve to develop strong character within each student through emphasis on: Discipline, Loyalty, Perseverance, Commitment, and Knowledge of God’s Word.

Fall Sports
  • Coed Varsity Soccer:
    2024 Independent Athletic Conference (IAC) Champs, 2023 IAC Finals

  • Girls Varsity Volleyball

  • Coed Modified Soccer:
    2024 Undefeated Season

  • Football (High School):
    In partnership with Cardinal O’Hara High School

  • Boys’ 7th and 8th Grade Basketball

  • Boys’ Varsity Basketball

  • Girls’ Varsity Basketball

  • Girls’ 7th and 8th Grade Basketball

Parochial Kickers League:
Soccer – 1st through 8th Grade

  • Boys and Girls Varsity Track and Field

  • Girls Softball:
    With Cardinal O’Hara High School

  • Boys Baseball:
    With Cardinal O’Hara High School

Athletic Requirments:

All CCA student athletes are required to read and obey the Athletic Policy in the CCA Parent/Student Handbook. In addition, the Athletic Communication Policy must be signed by parents/athletes and will be strictly enforced during their respective season. At the end of each season, a banquet is held to honor all of our teams, players and coaches where awards for each individual team are handed out along with any league honors and championships.

All students must have a valid physical on file with the school prior to participating on any sports team. Physicals are good for one year. Health updates, completed by the parent, are required for physicals that are more than 30 days old. These updates must be signed by school medical personnel (school nurse) before being allowed to participate. This process is mandated by the State of New York.

Our Athletic Facilities:

Our CCA Athletic Facilities are some of the finest in our league. In 2004, the 1.6 million dollar Emmanuel gym was built. All of our sports use our gymnasium in training our athletes and teams to compete at a high level.

In addition to the gym, our Athletic Facilities include:
* Wellness Center: Located upstairs on the mezzanine overlooking the Emmanuel gym
* Bob Kiekbusch Soccer Field: With in-ground irrigation system
* Multi-purpose Enclosed Court: For tennis, pickleball, and basketball

Awards and Recognition:

To accomplish our athletic program’s Vision of having its athletes set a Christ-like example of Excellence in Character and Athletics, CCA has implemented the program Cross Training Athletics into all of its sports teams.

Cross Training Athletics’ credo is: “Training the Heart of a Champion from the Inside Out.”
The program exists to passionately build a “character culture” for all of its teams. “Character is the key to your success and lies in the Heart of a complete athlete. What their heart believes is the driving life force of every Champion!”

Weekly Character Award Winners are displayed on our Character Athletes of the Week wall.
At the end of each athletic season, an Overall Character Athlete is awarded to one male and one female athlete.

Mr. David Schopf

Athletic Director

Proud Members of:

  • * Monsignor Martin League
  • * Independent Athletic Conference
  • * Niagara Frontier Christian Athletic Association

Explore More About Our Grade Levels:

To learn more about the academic experience at each grade level, click on the links below:

Christian Central Academy