
Christian Central Academy will provide an environment in which the faculty, staff, and students will grow “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52)

What does it mean to be a part of the CCA Community? Click here to find out!

As a distinctly Christ-centered school, Christian Central Academy is committed to core biblically-based foundational beliefs from which flow the ultimate rationale for all that we do.

  • Elementary

  • Middle School

  • High School

Important Upcoming Dates

January 11th

Day of Prayer and Fasting 9am-9pm

January 17th

Professional Development Day - No School

January 18th

Student Lead - Night of Worship

January 20th

Martin Luther King Jr. Day - School Closed

January 23rd-24th

Mid-Term Exams

January 25th

Mother-Daughter Pottery Event

January 27th-31st

Enrichment Week

January 30th

State of the School Address

February 12th

Conversations Over Coffee with Administrators

February 13th

Professional Development Day - No School

February 14th-17th

Winter Recess

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School News

Christian Central Academy